商飞计划2020年向东航交付第一架C919飞机,商飞已经开始着手建立选型和监造规范,而在2021年C919将交付给第二家国内航司-中国南方航空,届时规范会得以更加完善。在当前国内的交付市场,空客已将A320 和A330的交付中心设立在中国,根据市场未来发展,这两大交付中心将逐步转变为A320Neo 和A350的交付中心,新机型的推出与飞机飞行安全可靠两大因素如何平衡,目前是航司在选型和监造过程中最大的关注点,在这样的背景下,新技术应用,适航审定,试飞及飞机选型将成为飞机交付过程中备受关注的重点。
Comac plans to deliver its first C919 aircraft to China Eastern Airlines in 2020. It has already begun to develop specifications for model selection and supervision, which will be further improved by 2021, when C919 will be delivered to the second domestic carrier China southern airlines . In the current domestic delivery market, airbus A320 and A330 delivery center has set up in China, according to development of future market , these two delivery centers will gradually shift to A320Neo and A350 delivery centers, how to balance new aircraft launch and reliable safety flight , is most highly concerned by airlines in the process of selection and supervision,under this background, the application of new technologies, airworthiness certification, flight testing and aircraft selection will become the focus of attention in the aircraft delivery process..