
Galleon (Shanghai) Consulting Co., Ltd. formerly known as the Conference Department of the Organizing Committee of the Shanghai Airshow, has successfully expanded its presence into conference service and become a provider of consulting service for aerospace manufacturing summits and different kinds of trainings for enterprises since its successful hosting of the first China Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Summit in 2009. The Company would undertake over 10 international conferences and serve more than 3000 professional managers from world-noted enterprises a year, and has ever won support from the Development Research Center of the State Council, Department of Equipment Industry of Ministry of industry and Information Technology, Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Department of CAAC, Air Traffic Management Bureau, CAAC, Aviation Industry Corporation of China and Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd. and other relevant government organizations and enterprises for its activities.

The Company completed its strategic and business adjustment in 2012 to concentrate more on the provision of professional industry information, strategy consulting, media advertising and conference service for the aviation industry. Boasting a powerful consultant team consisting of high-ranking officials from the authorities of the industry, famous scholars and professionals of the trade, the Company aims to being the leader of the aviation service in domestic market by providing all-round and multi-field one-stop professional service for customers of the aviation manufacture industry.

The Company has partners from the Asian-Pacific Region, the U.S., the UK, France and other European and American countries, such as BDLI from Germany, NAG from Netherlands, AAI from Austria, EUROCAE from UN, AIAA, IEEE AESS and IAEA from the U.S., SJAC from Japan and UAI from Russia.

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Event Details


  • March 15, 2023

  • March 16, 2023

March 15, 2023

Main Schedule

08:50 - 09:00
论坛开幕式&领导致辞 Opening Ceremony & Leaders' Speeches
史坚忠SHI Jianzhong
Shanghai Society of Aeronautics
副主任Deputy Director
Xiamen Free Trade Commission
09:00 - 09:25
推动航空原材料工业的高质量发展 Promote the High-quality Development of the Aviation Raw Material Industry
王本力WANG Benli
Director of Materials Industry Research Institute
China Center for Information Industry Development of MIIT
09:25 - 09:50
民用航空材料及特殊工艺的适航审定 Airworthiness Certification of Civil Aviation Materials and Special Processes
陈挺CHEN Ting
Structure & Strength Division Deputy Director
Civil Aviation of China Shanghai Aircraft Airworthiness Certification Center
09:50 - 10:15
航空材料产业园对整个航空产业链的带动作用 The Driving Role of Aviation Materials Industrial Park on the Entire Aviation Industry Chain
李正林LI Zhenglin
总经理General Manager
Xiamen Aviation Industry Co., Ltd.
10:15 - 10:45
茶歇 & 互动交流Coffee Break & Interaction
10:45 - 11:10
复合材料在国产民机中的应用及产业培育 Application and Industrial Cultivation of Composites In Domestic Civil Aircraft
刘卫平 LIU Weiping
Chief Engineer of Composite Material Technology
COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
11:10 - 11:35
航空材料的设计需求提升设计质量 Design Requirements of Aviation Materials Enhance Design Quality
朱小军ZHU Xiaojun
AVIC The First Aircraft Institute
11:35 - 12:00
民机复合材料结构加工工艺及应用 Processing Technology and Application of Civil Aircraft Composites Structure
龚佑宏GONG Youhong
Room Director of Advanced Process Equipment and Programming Room
COMAC Composites Center
12:00 - 13:30
自助午餐 & 午休Luncheon Buffet
13:30 - 13:55
国外航空复合材料研发经验 Foreign Aviation Composites Research and Development Experience
刘传军LIU Chuanjun
航空首席专家Chief Aviation Expert
CNBM(Shanghai)Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.
13:55 - 14:20
民用飞机先进材料的应用及发展趋势 Application and Development Trend of Advanced Materials for Civil Aircraft
李强LI Qiang(拟邀/Inviting)
副总裁Vice President
Boeing (China) Research and Technology Division
14:20 - 15:05
复合材料结构数字化设计与自动化制造工艺技术应用研究 Application and Research of Digital Design and Automatic Manufacturing Technology of Composites Structure
LI Dongsheng,Major Chief Engineer,Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, Ltd.
刘卫平 LIU Weiping
Chief Engineer of Composite Material Technology
COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
刘传军LIU Chuanjun
航空首席专家Chief Aviation Expert
CNBM(Shanghai)Aviation Technology Co., Ltd.
朱小军ZHU Xiaojun
AVIC The First Aircraft Institute
15:05 - 15:35
茶歇 & 互动交流Coffee Break & Interaction
15:35 - 16:00
复合材料生产的智能制造技术 Intelligent Manufacturing Technology for Composites Production
AVIC Research Institute for Special Structures of Aeronautical Composites
16:00 - 16:25
航空疲劳技术研究进展与挑战 Research Progress and Challenge of Aviation Fatigue Technology
董登科DONG Dengke
专业副总师Professional Vice Chief Engineer
Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China
16:25 - 16:50
大规模交付之航材供应链保障Large-Scale Delivery of Aviation Materials Supply Chain Guarantee
Technical Report
16:50 - 17:15
飞机疲劳与结构完整性技术研究进展与展望 Progress and Prospect of Fatigue and Structural Integrity of Aircraft
樊俊铃FAN Junling
副主任Deputy Director
Aircraft Strength Research Institute of China

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