is the global airline industry's fastest growing meeting place for Airline CEOs, Directors, Food/Beverage Managers, Purchasers, Catering Companies, Flight Kitchens, OEMs, MROs, Ground Handlers, Cargo Carriers, Airside Managers, Contractors, Consultants and System integrators. The portal encompasses all aspects of airline equipment, technology, design and services and allows potential buyers to connect with suppliers the world over. We provide a comprehensive breakdown of products and services from leading industry contractors, with up-to-date news and press releases when exciting developments occur. With links to the most important airline related events, organisations and governing bodies in the world. Week Network is the largest multimedia information and services provider for the global aviation, aerospace, and defense industries, serving 1.7 million professionals around the world.
Industry professionals rely on Aviation Week Network to help them understand the market, make decisions, predict trends, and connect with people and business opportunities. Customers include the world's leading aerospace manufacturers and suppliers, airlines, airports, business aviation operators, militaries, governments, and other organizations that serve this worldwide marketplace.
Aviation Week Network’s portfolio delivers award-winning journalism, data, intelligence and analytical resources, world-class tradeshows and conferences, and results-driven marketing services and advertising. Aviation Week Network is part of Informa Markets, a division of Informa PLC.
World Aviation news, online platform as well as the App, is your source of aviation and related industries news for professionals, passionates and investors, especially designed for the peoples who need to stay tuned and follow latest news and trends. Download 50skyshades World Aviation News on App Store and Google Play.飞机之家致力于打造中国专业的直升机租赁、直升机出租、直升机婚礼、直升机喷洒、直升机物探、直升机旅游观光、直升机房产开盘、直升机销售出售、直升机防治虫害、直升机航测航拍企业,高覆盖、高效率的服务获得多家公司和机构的认可。飞机之家将以最专业的精神为您提供安全、经济、专业的服务。 Story Aviation Network ( a the Dongming international Aviation media's professional aviation community website depth reports, is China Aviation Media Network Alliance (CNAMA) initiating and governing units,authoritative view of the organic integration of real-time aviation information professional perspective, providing quality, original news and reviews of the best aviation crowd. Flight Story Aviation network(FSAN) focused on building the community of inter-regional leading theme of flight, reports the latest aviation industry dynamic, publishing the latest and most accurate information of the aircraft, and the establishment of Professional Flight Forum Center.北京太阳谷咨询有限公司(高端装备产业研究中心)是国内领先的高端装备产业咨询品牌与智能机构。历经多年的产业基础情报工作与研究经验的积累,我们构建起了集产业与行业研究、市场调研与分析、技术调查与咨询、个性化报告定制、项目服务与可行性研究、科技情报与文献资料检索等完备的整体咨询解决方案与服务体系。我们的使命是帮助我们的用户“学习国际先进制造技术,把脉全球市场发展趋势”。 in Louisville, Kentucky (KLOU), is the largest aviation resource and one of the oldest on the Internet. It serves the general aviation and business aircraft communities by offering clients and online visitors a wide range of premium aircraft and aviation-related data and services. Services offered by include Aviation Articles, News and Press, the Aircraft Exchange, which lists aircraft for sale or lease, Airport Resource Center (ARC) that displays U.S. airport data, Aviation Business Directory and Aviation Events all containing thousands of companies and listings.'s website receives more than 200,000 unique visitors per month and has helped connect the aviation industry since 1995.'s highly successful aviation magazine App "BuyPlane" has had over 22,000 downloads since its launch in late 2017极客飞机网是国内最活跃、影响力最大的飞机交易平台之一。主要从事农林喷洒、商业飞行、低空游览、航拍测绘等通航业务。平台经验丰富的飞行团队、高效的服务团队、专业的策划团队,已得到了客户的高度认可。平台拥有丰富的国内行业资源,可以为客户提供国内现货,常用机型资源,并已与美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、以及欧洲部分国家相关公司建立了紧密的合作关系,可以为国内用户提供了大量精品机源。2018年,实现飞机销售12架,飞行模拟器销售80余台。
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Aeroengine & Gas Turbine Controlled by the Tsinghua University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Thermal Physics, Aerospace Engine Research Institute, and many other postdoctoral due to a common academic and professional hobbies initiated, mainly engaged in aeroengine and gas turbine two power field, Including industry dynamics, technology development and engineering cases.
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携手《CNC 刀具世界》、《磨削世界》杂志,专为数控刀具、磨床、砂轮企业提供专业的推广方案,以报道数控刀具行业和磨削行业的最新资讯、最新产品、最具权威的技术为立足点。
STAT Trade Times, a multimodal international transport media, specializing in Air Cargo, provides in-depth coverage for the Aviation,Transport, Shipping and tourism industries. The STAT Trade Times’ integrated approach to news coverage is appreciated and used by the decision makers for their commercial benefits since 1986. Airport updates, Air Cargo, Air Traffic and Air Travel trends form a major source of latest information. The Billion Dollar News capsules provide encapsulated news for the benefit of its worldwide readers. STAT TIMES is news-specific无人机网(是全球无人飞行器之大本营,汇聚所涉各种应用(军事、工业、民用),包括制造、零部件以及相关联之服务领域。同时提供广告、数据分析以及咨询服务,该网建设者致力打造全球最大的专业性无人机网络平台。 无人机的应用领域包括农业、林业、航拍、反恐防暴、禁毒侦察、边防巡逻、海事执法、安防监控、消防、国土资源调查、土地执法监察、水土流失监测、荒漠化监测、地质灾害监测、土地利用动态监测、地形图测绘;交通规划设计、城镇规划航空摄影、考古遥控、旅游资源调查、景区风光拍摄、输气输电线路勘察、矿业资源勘察、消防监控、广告拍摄、影视拍摄、空中指挥、通信中继、交通管制、军事等等。深圳市赛瑞产业研究有限公司是专注于中国战略性新兴产业的研究咨询机构,致力于打造中极具权威和专业性的战略新兴产业智库,旗下包括新材料在线,寻材问料和测了么三大平台:新材料在线是专注于新材料行业的媒体+智库+创业服务平台+科技服务平台;寻材问料是国内材料解决方案一站式服务平台,建设线上创新材料大数据库和线下的实体创新材料图书馆,促进新材料产学研用的有效融合,打造材料界和制造业的“互联网+新材料”连接平台;测了么是国内一站式测试服务平台。一步电子网(www.kuyibu.com中文版)成立于2005年,是杭州酷熙科技有限公司全力为电子、仪器、照明、五金、机械行业企业打造的网络宣传平台,是行业内最具影响力的门户网站,是国内外企业商务互动的交流平台,我们采用独特的“网络+书刊+展会”三位一体的模式,为企业提供行业招商、网站建设、品牌推广、信息服务、软件开发、专业书刊、国内外展览会议等全方位的宣传项目,是企业进行产品推广、品牌宣传的最佳途径。
中国直升机网(是国内首家专注于直升机产业的发展与研究的网络媒体,致力于记录和推动民用直升机制造业工业的发展,同时展示目前民用直升机制造程序、制造技术以及应用的最新成果。旗下拥有网站、微信公众号、民用直升机APP等多个宣传平台。智能制造网(成立于2006年,是工业4.0时代智能制造领域“互联网+”服务平台,为智能控制、智能装备、机器人、物联网、云计算、3D打印等领域的专业用户创建全球网络营销服务平台,致力于搭建国内外智能制造设备及相关企业信息互动桥梁。 智能制造网以独树一帜的模式为行业用户提供丰富的服务,满足用户的营销推广需求,便捷快速的网络交易平台、行业展会等线上线下多渠道结合,扩大服务的广度和深度。本站与国内外媒体保持密切合作,建立了庞大的信息服务体系,依托浙江兴旺宝明通网络有限公司丰富的信息服务经验和互联网领域的雄厚实力,已成为智能制造行业颇具影响力的门户网站。中国制造网(由焦点科技股份有限公司于1998年开发及运营,是国内领先的综合性第三方B2B电子商务平台,拥有18年电子商务平台成功运营经验,平台拥有390万供应商及580万采购商会员,日均超过600万点击量,致力于为国内中小企业开展国际营销构建展示平台和交流渠道,帮助供应商和海外采购商建立联系,挖掘全球市场商业机会。